Simplified Pricing Tailored to Your Needs

Choose from our range of packages, each designed to meet different business needs. Get the exact tools you need to streamline your manufacturing processes.

Do You Work With 3D CAD Files?

Our ShouldCost DEEP product is fully integrated with Micro Estimating and can streamline your quoting operations.

Looking for bulk pricing?

We offer discounts for multiple users starting at 10+ users. Contact us for more info.


Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription, downgrade, or upgrade your plan at any time, including adjusting your number of users.

Can I use the software without a subscription?

Our software is licensed, so you need a subscription to continue to use the software. If you choose to stop using the software, you can export all of your data. Contact us if you need help getting your data exported.

I run a small shop. Do you have any discounts?

We love our small manufacturers! If you currently make less than $1,000,000 a year in revenue, contact us for discounted pricing.

Does your software come in any other languages?

Our software currently only supports English at this time.